Circulation 02: 苦盡甘來 (Love after Tears)
「인디소울즈 그룹 2번째 전시: 감정」에 사랑과 눈물의 순환적 상관관계를 표현한 일러스트로 참가했습니다.
I participated in “indisouls 2nd Exhibition: Feeling” with an illustration expressing the circulational correlation between love and tears.
[ 苦盡甘來 ]
고진감래. 쓴 것이 다하면 단 것이 온다는 뜻. 고생 끝에 낙이 있음을 이르는 고사성어.
Go Jin Gam Rae. It means that when the bitter ends, the sweet will come. An old Chinese idiom that describes joy after suffering.
Design by 05studio
Work for 「indisouls 2nd exhibition : FEELING」
2nd Work of ‘Circulation’ series